I would never have imagined how Love can change life so drastically.

The little girl, I remember, who desperately wanted Love always looked outwardly to receive it.  Coming up empty was disheartening.  Living a difficult childhood taught me what receiving without Love and awareness looked like.

One day, as an adult and spiritually seeking, Love opened its doors.  A new world awakened that led me on experiences to discover the depths of who I really am. My spiritual journeys led  me toward a new life, and I never looked back.

Massage therapy and spiritual energy work, led me to pursue a career in physical therapy. I have received gratification from my work in physical therapy with my patients that gave so many heart-felt stories of recovery for thirty-five years.

My life would not stop there. It continued by opening more doors to pursue Holistic Life Coaching.  As my interactions with other individuals revealed conflicts of emotions, I realized that we were caught up in a web of fear, lacking our true potential. I knew in my gut that my dream was to write a book.  I had lost sight of it for years until 2021 when spiritually the book revealed itself.I would be writing, Love Heals All Wounds

This book is here to assist you to open more channels to navigate you to a life worth living.  Are you ready to open the doorway of  unlimited possibilities, to rise above and move beyond fears that are limiting you in your business or personal life?  Love awaits you with open arms to give you an incredible journey of life.


Linda Kent is a Physical Therapist, Holistic Life Coach and spiritual teacher known for reconditioning hearts and minds. She has been on a forty-year spiritual journey to understand how people can overcome fear and embrace love. Linda has sought out secrets for achieving personal growth and has used them to create more fulfilling lives. She recognizes that as a society and world, we are conditioned in fear and her mission is to break the cycle of fear and offer an alternate path to rediscover the uniqueness of our empowering beings that is Love based.

Linda, in her personal growth, sought knowledge in the areas of Reiki and Naturopathic Medicine, receiving completion as a Reiki Master and Doctor of Natural Medicine.  She was sent to train with Dr. Margaret Ayers, the inventor of the EEG neurofeedback program.

Linda’s drive to grow internally led her to the teacher of personal power, Tony Robbins in 1996.  She attended his Mastery University that included Life Mastery, Date with Destiny and Wealth Mastery.  She continued and attended his Leadership Academy and Leadership Date with Destiny. Experiencing these events catapulted her forward with her drive to achieve, but then Linda had to reconnect with her root, the spirit of who she was.  As she blended these two together, the courtship of her adventure of life changed.  This opened the doorway to something she had wanted her whole adult life, to write a meaningful book that could change people’s lives for the better.